How Board of Directors Blog Posts Improve Decision-Making Skills

The Board of Directors is an organization’s final decision-making organ. Boards that take sound decisions based on consideration of solid facts and the sound judgment of their members are an essential factor in organizational success. Boards can enhance their decision-making capabilities by learning the factors that contribute to effective decisions and the factors that hinder their effectiveness.

The lingering uncertainty about the economy, need to recruit and inspire millenials and other issues make 2016 a difficult year for boards. One of the best ways for boards to stay ahead of the trends and keep their board members on top of their game is by creating a smart board blog.

By creating valuable, original content on a blog, a nonprofit’s Board of Directors can be seen as thought leaders in their field. The best boards’ blogs also serve as a powerful instrument for attracting skilled candidates. They can be used to advertise events, provide links and information, and even create new content like eBooks, checklists as well as infographics, videos and checklists.

One of the most popular topics for board director blogs is governance and board culture. This is due to the increasing importance that is placed on ethics and culture as part of corporate governance. It’s also an indication of the fact that most public company boards are made up of shareholders, who also have to take into consideration the needs of other stakeholders. They are increasingly interested in a holistic approach to governance that includes ethics and culture as in addition to finance and strategy.

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